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Classroom badges

Easily manage student badges, skills and more with RedCritter's alternative to ClassBadges.

Looking to move from ClassBadges to a supported classroom badging solution? Try RedCritter for free.

RedCritter gives teachers easy-to-use, yet powerful, engagement tools

  • Fast badge issuing

    Issue badges from your PC or phone with a couple of taps.

  • Beyond badging

    Issue skill points, certs, action points and even virtual currency.

  • Idea lab

    Discover and share new badges and achievements in the Idea Lab. Install them with 1 click.

RedCritter Teacher app screenshot

Start your free trial

Educators can try RedCritter Teacher free for 30 days. If you're a principal or superintendent, please contact us to get a personalized demo and discuss volume licensing.

PBIS Devices

Request a demo

Please fill out the form below.

RedCritter apps and devices